
Inside Sales

Recurrency for

Front Counter

Recurrency for Front Counter gives your ERP superpowers. Streamline data entry, identify opportunities for personalization, and delight your customers with unusually good customer support.

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In Line to Invoiced in One Minute Flat

Instant Search

Search your ERP database in the blink of an eye to locate quotes, orders, vendors, customers, & items.

Workflow Optimization

Easily process in-person customer requests and create blazingly fast quotes in less than 60 seconds.

Improved User-Experience

Out with the manual, in with the automatic. Redefine what’s possible when using Recurrency’s automation tools.


The Power of Search

Get faster results with fewer clicks. Recurrency’s clean and simple search function provides a significantly better user experience. Prepare to finally ditch your cheat sheets for good and embrace stress-free search.


Accelerate the Checkout Process

Drastically reduce checkout timeline with Recurrency’s seamless Quote & Order Entry workflow. Generate quotes, orders, and invoices in less than 60 seconds without leaving the Recurrency platform.


Delight Your Customers

Recurrency’s artificial intelligence embeds upsell suggestions directly into your quote and order workflow. Deliver exceptional customer service by suggesting relevant items to your customers. Easily add line items to existing orders to boost your average order value and complete the checkout process in record time.


Keep Your Pipeline Clean

Recurrency’s Prospect Dededuplication automatically flags a new entry if it already exists. Keep your customer pipeline clean and accurate and never waste time scanning through duplicate accounts with Prospect Deduplication.


Skip the Learning Curve

Tribal knowledge isn’t scalable. Recurrency understands the key to building a successful front counter experience doesn’t involve fragile, custom-built workarounds, but rather robust, permanent solutions. Woven into Recurrency’s platform are simple, powerful, and easy-to-learn workflows that enable you to carry out tasks in less time, stay organized, and provide first-class customer service.

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